Lively family
a Lively studio project
Lively family, it’s an evolutive creative project.
Created in 2021 by Lively studio its purpose is to highlight people’s stories in intimate ways.
To share their creative sensibility and ask questions that we ask ourselves!
It’s an illustrated project where we try to put in images your words and story.
To share your story in a multifaceted portrait.
« I’ve been thinking about it for a long time.
To share topics with you, meeting different kinds of creative people.
Sharing a way of seeing the world, without borders. Design, fashion, music, crafts.
We are part of a rich world. Let’s take a look at what’s going on around us.
By taking our time.To have a dialogue and ask questions about creativity, what form does it take for you and how to continue to cultivate it? On the working world, the school world. A living house, where anything is possible. Designers, artists, creatives, there are no boundaries between worlds.
Let’s sit for a minute and listen to what people have to share.
A Lively family.Let’s talk about art, fashion, design, illustration, writing, modeling, photography…
There are no boundaries in creativity. »
-Lively family

a creative project, a creative family
Lively Family, the project: sharing inspiration and inspirational people stories. Guests interview and music playlist.
The project:
We will share portrait of creative people, but mainly your stories. And image, music, plus a lot more around it.
If you want to share your talent or talk with us about the project, contact us!
We are always happy to discover new talent.
design / art / fashion / a living house
many chapters to come
Lively family is about questioning ourself around different theme.
For each chapter, we bring a different theme and inspiration around it. Like a book with many chapter, to keep questioning you and us about the world we live in.
Around inspiration, how you create, or what influence you, we engage in a conversation.
Follow us on our instagram for daily movie, art, and more inspiration ! @lively_family_
Lively studio?
Lively studio is a French creative studio based in Paris.
Wanting to share a creative journey with you, we will do our best to accompany you throughout the design process.
Oriented brand identity and lifestyle,
we bring our skills to the fields of fashion, music, art and events.
Illustration, photography and graphic design are home made by us, here at Lively Family.
Take a look further at our work here