La nostalgie et la transmission de la mémoire.
Chapter 1 _Passing memories with Amy

J’ai rencontré Amy il y a quelques années.
Amy a grandi à Manchester et est venue travailler à Paris. Designer maroquinerie, illustratrice, elle est curieuse et avide de nouvelles découvertes, et je pense que c’est là sa plus belle qualité.
Les contrastes de sa personnalité, de ses goûts aussi, restent parfois invisibles à l’œil nu. Comme toute chose délicate, il faut prendre le temps de découvrir les différents motifs que compose son patchwork d’inspiration.
Avec un goût certain pour le passé, elle nous emmène dans un monde nostalgique au sein de ses illustrations. Un regard vers le passé, vers les histoires qu’il nous transmet.
Avec Amy nous parlerons de ce qui l’inspire à travailler, à aller de l’avant aussi.
Un peu de musique et beaucoup d’humilité.
Je suis fière de vous présenter Amy. C’est une partie de la Lively family, de Lively studio, et nos différences nous complètent.
– Lively family

_Passing memories, conversation with Amy.
How do you define yourself? are you an illustrator, a designer…?
« Both, I am interested in form as well as surface design. »
What kind of illustration do you like to make?
» I like to make fast drawings, they are not totally precise, I let my hand decide what comes next. The more I draw the more the lines are confident and thicker. »
What project do you dream to make one day?
» I dream of making something very big full of details, something that has new hidden areas you didn’t see the first time. »

illustration by @amy_desmidt – Amy
You lived in different countries, do you have some objects/things/songs that you bring back from each place?
» I have many encouraging notes from my Grandma telling me ‘keep going you’re doing well’ from when I was studying (I still look at them sometimes) It’s the only thing I bring with me apart from clothes. »
What advice would you give to your young self?
Relax it’s not the end of the world! it’s just school
Where does your influence come from? (did someone influence you? inspired you? an artist, a person..)
« Everywhere, my phone is full of screenshots from films or photos museums and libraries. I keep the images that inspire me and make me want to work. »
Which is the latest discovery that inspired you?
« An Australian street artist called Fintan Magee, he is a master of drawing water, it’s beautiful. »
What kind of things in life attract your attention?
» Stories, trying to understand the world. »
What moves you?
« The search for happiness, awww »
Let’s set the perfect mood to create: where would it be, working on what, with what ambiance ?
« Anywhere calm with lots of light.
Amy’s playlist